The Pierce City Schools would like to invite you to a meeting where we will be looking at some drawings and ideas for improving the football stadium entrance, concessions, parking, and accessibility. This meeting will be on December 11, at 6:00 pm in the Cafeteria for anyone interested. Architects, Richard Werner and Jim Rutledge will be there to present drawings and gather more community feedback to create the improvements at the stadium. Please contact Kelli Alumbaugh, the Superintendent, at 417-476-2555 with any questions.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
JH Girls basketball vs College Heights has been rescheduled to Friday night and has been moved to College Heights. 5:30 start for the A game followed by a full B game.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
Just a reminder, school is in session tomorrow!
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
JH Girls basketball for tonight has been cancelled. Make-up date TBD.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
Conference shirt pick up 5:00-6:00 in PCHS cafeteria.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
FALL BONFIRE We will have our annual bonfire tonight 10/26/2018 after the football game. It will be down by the grade school. All students and families are welcome to come and enjoy the evening.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
We had a minor school bus accident this morning around 7:45 am. The students, bus driver, and the driver of the other vehicle are safe and there were no injuries. Please contact the Superintendent's Office with any questions.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
We are proud to announce that the PCHS football team and coaches are the 2018 Undefeated Southwest Conference Champions. We are celebrating with shirts to show our PC pride. If you would like to order a shirt, please fill out the attached google form. All orders are due by Tuesday morning at 9:00 a.m. Pick up and payment will be due at Friday's home football game. Prices are included on the form. Thank you for your continued support of our athletes and the Pierce City Athletic Booster Club.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
We will recognize our senior football and band members tonight at 6:30. All senior parents need to meet in front of the tunnel at 6:20. We will begin announcing at 6:30.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
THE PC ATHLETIC BOOSTER CLUB BONFIRE FOR TONIGHT HAS BEEN CANCELED It has been rescheduled for next Friday night 10/26 after the football game.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
JV Football vs Miller for tomorrow night has been cancelled.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
Homecoming coronation has been moved to the high school cafeteria due to the rain. It will begin at 6:15.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City High School
Football Homecoming tonight. Coronation at 6:15, game v. Miller at 7:00. It is also Military Appreciation Night. All military personnel and veterans receive free admission.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City High School
The annual middle school informational meeting for Title funds will be held on Thursday, October 4th in the MS/HS cafeteria from 5:00-5:15 pm. All parents and community members are welcome and encouraged to attend.
about 6 years ago, Special Education
The Pierce City School District is seeking input from the community to improve the entrance to the football field in addition to making the Stadium easier to access. We will have a meeting on October 9th at 6:00 in the Cafeteria for anyone interested. Architects, Richard Werner and Jim Rutledge will be there to present ideas and gather community feedback to create a plan for the stadium. Please contact Kelli Alumbaugh, Superintendent at 417-476-2555 with any questions.
about 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
Athletic Activities - 9/27 5:30 - JH Volleyball @ Sarcoxie 6:00 - JHFootball @ Pleasant Hope 6:00 - Volleyball vs Ash Grove
over 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
The JV football game on 9/24 vs Pleasant Hope has been cancelled.
over 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District
PCMS will be holding another parent meeting at 6:00 tonight in the cafeteria for those interested in the EF (Education First) trip to Washington D.C.. The Tour Director for Pierce City's trip will be present to answer questions and provide additional information. Thank you!
over 6 years ago, Pierce City Middle School
Athletic Activities 9/17 6:00 - JV Football @ Ash Grove 6:00 - Volleyball @ East Newton
over 6 years ago, Pierce City R-VI School District