You can now access staff email and contact information from the staff section on our website. We are continuing to make updates on the site and app.
The time issue has been resolved in our event section so all times should be correct now. We apologize for the inconvenience.
There is a bug in our events program on the website affecting the times. The dates are correct but times may not be accurate. Hope to have it corrected soon.
Fall practices begin July 31st, all athletes must have a physical before they can practice
Welcome to Thrillshare!
PC Athletic Booster Club will be painting the gym bleachers Friday and Saturday (14th/15th). If you are interested in assisting, your help would be greatly appreciated. They will begin at 8:00 AM
All incoming 8th grader are required to have Tdap & meningococcal vaccines before the first day of school. Law Co health will be here 08/09/17 from 8-12 to administer for $5.00 or medicaid card.
Chrome Book Orientation will be Tuesday August 1st at 6:00 PM or Thursday August 10th at 7:00 PM
Seniors are required to have meningococcal vaccine before 1st day of school. Lawrence Co Health Dept will be here on Aug 9th (8:00-12:00) to give vaccines to students. Cost is $5.00 or medicaid card
Please be patient as we work to develop our new website and school app. Our goal is to create a more efficient communication system for our parents, students and community.