Clayton with family and coaches at signing table.
High School band in uniform
Blood Drive flyer. Take the 56-Day Challenge.  Visit for more info.  You could win up to $15,000 in VISA gift cards!
Zane holding up 7th place plaque with team around him.
Girls basketball team group picture holding 3rd place trophy
Tyler SIS App Updated
PTO Christmas Craft Night.  Games, crafts, and hot cocoa bar. 5:30-7:00pm. Thursday, December 8th.  Pierce City Elementary Gym.  All students & parents welcome! Pictures with Santa! 6:15-7:00pm.
School on Monday, Nov. 21st
Hailey in volleyball uniform holding 2 plaques.
Cross Country Emma Hunt All-State Honor 13th out of 163
High school boy in FFA jacket with plaque.
3 high school girls and one boy running for cross country.
Hayden signing at table with coaches around her.
Veterans Day - Honoring All Who Served-
Parent conferences October 24th. 12-7pm
Jordan and Trinity wearing Homecoming crowns
Hailey surrounded by family and coaches while signing.