February 20, 2024
Congratulations to Abby, Caiden, and Makenna on shooting Perfect 50's at the Marionville archery competition.

February 20, 2024
Congratulations to this year's Basketball Homecoming Court.
Prince Kordel and Princess Paige.
Queen Abby O'Hara and King Michael Heeter.

January 17, 2024
There will be no school on Wednesday, January 17th. This will be Alternative Method of Instruction Day 1. Middle and high school students can find assignments on Google Classroo...

January 12, 2024
There will be no school today, Friday, January 12th due to the expected weather.
January 11, 2024
Preschool screening for the 2024/25 school year will be held on Monday, February 5th and Monday, March 4th. Kindergarten screening will be held on Monday, March 4th and Monday, ...
December 29, 2023
In case Pierce City School District needs to cancel school or early release due to inclement weather, we want you to be informed of the process. Student and faculty safety is the...

December 15, 2023
School will be in session Monday, December 18th and Tuesday, December 19th with a noon dismissal. Enjoy being home with friends and family to celebrate the holiday season! Schoo...

December 11, 2023
In case Pierce City Schools needs to cancel school or release early due to inclement weather, we want you to be informed of the process. Student and Staff safety is always the pr...

December 11, 2023
Take a look at the December 11, 2023 Newsletter !

December 8, 2023
It's that time of year again! The Central Elementary Christmas Program will begin at 6:15pm on Wednesday, December 13th in the high school gym. Kindergarten, 2nd grade, and 4th...
December 5, 2023
Central's PTO will be hosting a Christmas Craft Night on Thursday, December 7th at the elementary gym. All students and parents are welcome. There will be games, crafts, and a h...

December 4, 2023
You don't want to miss out on anything this week....take a look at the December 4th Newsletter for events and information!
December 4th Newsletter
December 1, 2023
In October, a facility needs survey was sent out. To view the results, click HERE . If you are interested in serving on a committee to put together a Facility Report for the Boa...

November 27, 2023
Welcome Back from Thanksgiving Break, we hope you are well rested and ready to finish out 2023! Take a look at the November 27th Newsletter to get caught up on all things PC Scho...
November 20, 2023
Did you know that there are several different ways to communicate and stay up-to-date with what is happening in PC Schools? The link below will open a page with the different w...

November 20, 2023
Take a look at the November 20th Newsletter! November 20th Newsletter

November 17, 2023
Congratulations to our Middle School Scholars' Bowl Team. They tied for 1st place at their first competition of the year. Holden earned 1st place and Hudson 3rd place in Persona...

November 14, 2023
Wagner Portrait Group will be a the middle school to photograph any middle school or high school student who were absent on the initial picture day or any student that needs their...